A research scientist conducting experiments on a new anaesthetic finds herself being blackmailed by a women she accidentally knocked down with her car; the woman wasn't hurt, but a scheming attorney has convinced her she can get a lot of money for the "accident." Meanwhile, the scientist's research assistant, who is in love with her ****' boyfriend, arranges for an explosion in...
chan 2017-02-24
***?Another The Woman in the Window?
Caneloni 2016-02-09
到结尾才知道女主术后的脸实际上是死掉那**脸,导演你忘记换演员了么,给跪。毁容换脸偸身份的故事看Paul Henreid拍过好几次了,Mann明显更游刃有余,居然没怎么感觉像在看B片,当然也因为片子很不B片地在宣传**应以婚姻家庭为上的主流价值观。