30年30大传奇 第四季在线观看

30年30大传奇 第四季

30 for 30 Season 4


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Beginning in Dallas, where Rodman and his family members recall a difficult and often uncomfortable childhood, the film traces his improbable rise from an at times homeless, teenaged airport janitor whose belated, extraordinary growth spurt propels him to small school stardom at Southeastern Oklahoma State, and then to the Detroit Pistons as a second-round NBA draft selection. ...


k-pax 2020-11-26

罗德曼年纪越大,声音就更难听了。。。不过也算风光半生的人物,,,有汽车城坏孩子军团,麦当娜,MJ 公牛,Kim Jong-un, 外加名人堂入选,各类场内场外人生**加持过,精彩注定不凡。另,当年偶尔读过体坛周报连载的大虫自传,中译《我行我素》,今天也顺带知道了英文名,BAD AS I WANNA BE。🏀


没想到这么***纪录片;除去高制作水准和Jamie Foxx神经兮兮的幽默感以外,纪录片对于罗德曼心理的剖析既深刻又带着arm chair心理医生的自知和自嘲。印象最深刻的是,其实罗德曼和90年代的很多女星一样,一生都在依附着身边更强大的男性。从chuck daly到微笑刺客到phil到mj,他是需要爱和认可的,而这让他可能比别人更容易被hustle被利用。人到暮年面对镜头,他依旧做出满不在乎的样子,而身边的每个人从保镖到旧时队友都似乎比他看得清。与此同时,这种纪录片总会让人想哪些东西没有被拍进去。

中碗 2021-05-01

4+ 罗德曼的故事不算新鲜了,但ESPN这个2019年版本讲故事的整套视听都堪称精彩,甚至于立意上有点把它当成大虫人生最后一部纪录片来拍的意思。十分值得学习。

铳 耳 2021-05-20


bauhaus 2019-11-01

真正的永远年轻, 永远热泪盈眶~

Shah ོ 2021-11-05

“It’s said the journey should be cherished and the destination ignored. But what about the destination? When a life has been lived and every door opened, when only the destination remains, what’s left? Whatever was desperately pursued along the way, was it found? ”

emmeow 2021-02-14

He broke his **** three times. Rodzilla 胯下有宇宙的男人

周瑜英文名Joey 2021-07-27


背带短裤 2020-09-29

A Basketball Odyssey什么鬼哈哈哈哈哈哈爽

Tommy 2021-10-04

Good film, a real human being, flesh and blood.in the year 1989, there's videophone in the US.his dad, Philander Rodman Jr, got married 16 times, and had 29 kids in all, ps philander means *******.dennis got married 3 times, has 3 kids, Personally.,bully, hate, only make things worse, only feel being loved, could ultimately change someone, love.