《站着的我就想躺平》又名I Am Vertical but I Would Rather Be Horizontal。
Sylvia Plath, American poet, travels back in time and befriends Belén Esteban, current Spanish TV celebrity. Two famous and antagonistic women from different eras, but both wrote that they were once happy in Benidorm.
胤祥 2022-02-25
#72nd Berlinale# EFM online-VOD。跨时空的女**谊,即便语言不通也能共情,Sylvia Plat+Belén Esteban,不过你绝对不能拿穿越片来要求它就是了……
Pincent 2022-03-06
7。#EFMVod# 兼具小说感和戏剧感